Friday, November 5, 2010

Short Background Materials for UWGT FIN Case

This material is for the case competition to be held at the Ross School's second search marketing workshop, Friday, November 12, 2010. Participant's will develop one or more ad groups to promote the United Way of Greater Toledo's Family Information Network (FIN) program.

Background materials and resources

If you haven't already, read at least the key background material on AdWords, located here.

The following material will be of the most direct use in constructing ad groups targeted at the FIN program:

  • Potential FIN landing pages with program description. These are where you will send people who click on the ads you create. Be as precise as possible in matching your ads to landing pages, but also be aware that one outcome of the case study may be to suggest where landing pages need to be modified to meet the needs of visitors.
  • FIN fact sheet (list of concrete services targeted at potential users). The best performing AdWords ad groups target customers' expressed intent with concrete services.
  • How users of the FIN program describe it (specific and customer targeted). This report from United Way is a good initial insight into how users of FIN might express their desire (intent) for specific services. Be careful to keep any keywords you derive from this document to no more than 2 to 3 words long.


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